In September 2020, I was officially able to start calling myself not just a writer, but an Author - my first published novel, "Blood & Snow" has hit shelves, and is now available for purchase and download.
Why not jump on Goodreads and check out the reviews? Or... hop on Amazon and download the sample (the first 25 pages) to see what you think.
When he became a huntsman, Levi knew he was leaving his past behind. Huntsmen were unknown. Mistrusted. Unforgivable. Expendable. Despised warriors who hunted the dark terrors in the wild, knowing they would never be mourned. But when Levi and his group are sent to hunt a sinister creature that turns whole villages against each other, they soon realise this could be an enemy far beyond any of them, and their only hope might lie in the most unexpected of allies...
From a vivid, visceral inception we are set to roving the bleak white expanse of a shattered winter wilderness. Cupit introduces us to one of the most compelling band of broken, admirable misfits I have met in the pages of a tale in a goodly while. As these hunstmen—slayers of monstrous things—struggle to corner a murderous force, they confront impossibilities straight from a vast and horrid past. Blood and Snow proves itself an artful and delightful retooling of the venerable motifs of fantastical fiction; highly and absolutely recommended.
— D. M. Cornish, author of the Monster-Blood Tattoo trilogy
Blood and Snow is an exhilarating adventure set in the world after European mythology but before our own. It is also a tale that brings the magical into the everyday; reverberating with the myths and mistakes of today. Cupit’s writing blazes though the land with such precise realism that it never feels fictional and the action, well timed and exactingly gory, never detracts, but always highlights the stakes of the quest. As a fantasy it is indelibly grounded in the timelessness of human greed and the fear this engenders. An often exhilarating and impossibly believable adventure, Blood and Snow takes the genre deeper into humanity than seems possible as it enshrines and exposes our deepest fears and failings.
— Pete Court, author of Sub-Urban Tales